Tales of a builder: reversing 0x78e111f6, the infamous solidity signature of an MEV bot

I started a small but interesting journey of building a bot for some MEV arbitrages in Ethereum. Through my project under Teal Finance on a DeFi options price aggregator, Rainbow, I explore and interact with various DeFi protocols. This is how I stumble upon 0x78e111f6, this mysterious function signature that is present in a lot of intriguing MEV transactions. This is my story of trying to uncover part of that mystery....

 · JYZ

Are blockchains optimistic or pessimistic technologies?

There are some contradictions in the ethos of cryptocurrencies. Some parts are overly pessimistic, beating the drum of an impending doomsday event. We complain about the current financial and monetary system, how the access is not fair, nor transparent. How it seems inefficient or efficient for rent seeking from all those intermediaries. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.(Percy Bysshe Shelley) We see the lack of privacy with surveillance crippling through internet to sell ads when it is not to control and censor you....

 · JYZ

Daily short series

Initially this was suppose to be a series of short blog posts. An excuse to build a writing habit, hopefully daily since September 2022. But it didn’t go as planned since 2022 finished with craziness so I am restarting the process. We’ll see how it goes. Anyway, Trust the process, as popularized by NBA’s Philadelphia 76ers. Here are my posts: Are blockchains optimistic or pessimistic technologies Tales of a builder: reversing 0x78e111f6, the infamous solidity signature of an MEV bot ...

 · JYZ